Stress Meditation- Summary
The Summary of Stress Meditations
Summarizing the recognizing, accepting and understanding meditations.

Recognizing, Accepting and Understanding

Recognizing stress is the first stage of meditation practice. Before anything can be changed effectively it must be be clearly recognized.

    Accepting stress is the second stage of practice. In order for and object of experience to truly known the mind needs open to it in an accepting way.

    Understanding stress occurs when the objects of experience are clearly recognized, and gently accepted. These new insightful understandings can then be applied to our life.

Awareness and Caring

   Awareness is before thought. Awareness is one part of our deepest nature. We move closer to this inner ability, through the awareness meditations of the sensations, emotions and thoughts.

     Caring is non-seperation. Caring is the other part of our deepest nature. Caring embraces all of our experiences. It is charactized by qualities of gentle firmness.

Caring Awareness

     Caring Awareness: we experience our true nature each time we are aware and care. Because it is "already here" we do not have to do some thing to get it. Rather we just let go of what ever the mind is clinging to and come back to the present moment.


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Health and Happiness, Heidi & ross