INNER Stress Management
Emotional Intelligence, Stage-3
We reduce future stress, when we recognize and accept our all inner experiences.

INTRODUCTION- Emotional Intelligence or EQ. Future stress is reduced by developing our Emotional Intelligence (by understanding it's causes). To understand it's causes we 1st have to allow it into full consciousness by recognizing it and then accepting it.

There are 2 parts to this practice- Recognizing & Accepting
* 1- Recognizing what is in the body, heart and mind is required before it can be changed.
* 2- Accepting it in order to understand it. Then change happens naturally on it's own.

The Practice of "Inquiring & Embracing"
(in progress)

At any time we can inquire and be informed about what is in the mind. Is there anger, sadness, fear or appreciation in the mind? The more we inquire into what emotions are in the mind and name them. The less fear there is of them.