Ross- Stillness & Wisdom Practices
Insights of the MIND, Stillness, Energy and Wisdom

Developing the MIND
We have a mind which is ours to develop. When can we use the positive energies of AWARENESS and COMPASSION the MIND grows and experiences more safety, wellness and contentment. If we disregard the MIND it may become habituated with the ignorance of what is true and self deluded in attachment to greed and aversion.

Wise meditation practices allow a clearer seeing of what is happening in the MIND. We can use ancient texts and teacher to provide a model to check out our meditation experiences against. We also use our own intuitive and discerning abilities to establish what is most true and trust worthy for each of us.

Understanding the MIND
To understand how a new software program works, we learn by reading, asking questions and trying it. The MIND is also like that. We read what has been written by wisdom figures that we are attracted to. Then we sit and learn how to watch the MIND. Then we experiment to learn from cause and effect to get the results we would like. Like learning any worthwhile skill this takes time and patience.

Changing MIND
Thoughts and images are constantly arising in the mind. Without CaringAwareness they grow into many conflicting impulses. In weaken states of MIND due to a lack of sleep, practice and understanding they can conflict with each other and tend to move to pleasant and away from unpleasant. The in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing. We use this to out advantage. With a sharpened AWARENESS and CARING intention we keep bring the MIND back to Stillness and renewing the wise intentions for it.

Rebalancing the MIND
The MIND like other aspects of nature is always looking to rebalance it's self. So if there have been perceived unpleasant experience in the MIND it will want to rebalance these with pleasant experiences. If we are unaware the MIND will grab any object to make it feel better. This is where the energies of AWARENESS and LOVE make the wise choices. Sometime the wisest choice is not the most pleasant in the short term.

Guiding the MIND
In the morning is very beneficial set a healthy resolution in the MIND for the day. Then through the day, we can effectively guide the mind without forcing it by using phrases of intention.

"At the still point of the turning world ... neither from nor towards, at the still point there the dance is ... " T. S. Eliot, Four Quartets

“...and that silent stillpoint is within you. It has never moved. The Earth moves, the sun moves, the stars move. Everything is whirling; but something within you is absolutely still, eternally still.“

‘The Transmission of the Lamp’ #11


Here we shift the AWARENESS back into posture and sensations of the BODY.

The Stillness Practice of "Stopping & Dropping"

"Stopping & Dropping"
Stop the habitual thinking of 'I can't', 'I have to' Drop into the Stillness of the Body
Intention- without comment or judgmentalness Interest- in the sensations of the body

The ENERGY Process
Here we open whatever part of the BODY that feels tight. Smile to safely restore the energy.

The ENERGY Practice of "Opening & Smiling"

"Opening & Smiling"
Open the in/out-breath deep & complete Invite the tight places in the body to open
Smile to appreciate life Smile to release stress

The WISDOM Process
Here we keep the AWARENESS on the object of experience in the MIND and learn about it.

The Wisdom Practice of "Noting & Floating"

"Noting & Floating"
Note the emotion i.e. anger. sadness Allow the emotion to float in Awareness
Caringly inquire into the emotion Allow for any or no response to arise