Stress Resources- Emotional Stress
Intervention, Emotional Stress
Suggesting how to manage our emotional needs.

Emotional Intervention, Our emotional needs are very important. If they are not being meet, they affect both the body and the mind in a unhealthy way. With practice stressful emotions can be replaced through bare awareness and caring intentions.

Human Needs

Maslows Hierarchy of Human Needs:
The first four layers of the pyramid are what Maslow called "deficiency needs": the individual does not feel anything if they are met, but feels anxious if they are not met. The base of the pyramid is formed by the physiological needs, including the biological requirements for food, exercise, and sleep.

Emotional Awareness:
Similar to physical awareness, we often do not know what our true emotional moods are. Instead we may have developed habits of distraction. Loneliness, sadness etc. are unpleasant to open up to. This takes courage, but it slowly changes our emotional experiences.

Emotional Caring:
Caring intentions are how we change the unpleasant emotions. When we are aware of the mood/emotion we gently trunk into it. Honour it's presents with a none judgmental awareness. Then we bring a caring intention to it. Example, "may the loneliness be well".

Emotional Needs